5 Reasons Why Telemedicine is going to Revolutionize Healthcare Services

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical workers have experienced an unforeseen surge in demand for medical care. This has shaken the core of health care and how patients are being administered and treated in the entire world. The hike in the Coronavirus cases has overburdened the doctors and other frontline...

Understanding the Significance and Utility of Electronic Health Records

Like several other sectors, the healthcare sector has warmed up to the deployment of online and digital technologies. In the last decade, the healthcare sector professionals, as well as doctors, have become accustomed to using such technologies and tools to enhance services and operational efficiencies. It is not only about...

Ways In Which Technology Can Minimize The Cognitive Load Of Physicians

 Medical science and technology is improving by leaps and bounds with each passing day. With various inventions, discoveries, and new research in different medical industry fields, it is very important to remain updated with the latest developments. This is the reason doctors and medical staff have to keep on educating...

The Increasing Prominence of RFID and IoT: Pros and Cons of Smart Patient Tracking

Smart Patient Tracking has become a common technological advancement since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has eased the process of tracing the details of a patient’s medical history and his location. Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) have been the most useful developments in this field. However, like...

How COVID-19 Pandemic has Changed the Face of Technology in the Healthcare Sector?

Digitalization has been creeping into the health system for a long time now. Providers have been adopting technology that can track, trace, and collaborate for solutions. However, a lot is left yet to be explored.  Especially from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have begun to question whether or...

How are Terminology Standards Making Health Systems Seamless During COVID19?

Have you ever wondered how lab results and orders are communicated across diverse healthcare settings?  How do these healthcare systems manage to work in a streamlined manner, effectively with so many physicians, tests, diagnoses, and treatments?  The answer to the above questions lies within the Terminology Standards practiced by the...

Tech-enabled Solutions witness Upsurge in Medical Sector amidst COVID-19

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the preference of customers has drastically changed. Home healthcare has shot up in a dramatic turn of events. A renowned firm conducted research based on the same that highlighted a similar pattern. A consultancy service firm under its survey found that an inclination...

All you must know about the new normal in Telehealth Industry

Remote monitoring of patients is becoming the new normal. Read this blog to get prepared with telehealth.  The strain doctors have gone through during the pandemic is tremendous to even begin with. Their dedication was incredible, and they did emerge as true leaders and bravery icons of the healthcare industry. ...

Future of Telemedicine & Healthcare Delivery Systems

Recent pandemic has enhanced humans’ reliance on Telemedicine, which has driven a shift of the healthcare delivery model on a more transformational path.  Telemedicine can be introduced as an encompassing term for remote virtual healthcare service while providers and beneficiaries are located at different physical locations. To date, we do...

Telehealth and Clinical Decision Support System to Improve Patient Care

Clinical decision support systems and telehealth are becoming an essential tool for the healthcare provider to improve patient care.CDS can decrease the clinical variation, duplicative testing, also it ensures patient safety, and avoids complications. Clinical decision support systems are designed to exchange the data digitally with the healthcare provider for...