Telehealth Solution Can Fill Gap in Healthcare

Telehealth is not a new concept but certainly, the urgency of the coronavirus outbreak is rapidly growing. This COVID-19 pandemic comes with a burden and disruption on the healthcare provider. Telehealth technology is providing virtual healthcare services to patient those who are outside of the clinic or hospital. It also...

A Telehealth Technology Contains Privacy & Security Concern

Telehealth is one of the best technologies to provide high-quality healthcare service to patients by using an online, telephone, and text messaging system. These services include diagnoses, consultation, treatment, management and provide education in regards to patient and public healthcare. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, remote care services are in demand among...

Doctor Are Using Telehealth to Reduce COVID-19 Epidemic

Coronavirus is an epidemic disease that is spreading in the community and disrupting people's lives. People are wary of taking either themselves or the family to the doctor clinic for fear of transmission of novel Coronavirus. Doctors are using telehealth to control the disease and treat the patient around the...

Telemedicine Can Be The Game-Changer In Coronavirus Outbreak

Telemedicine has been in use for almost two decades but its adoption rate between people has been relatively very low. Now the coronavirus outbreak is pushing telemedicine to the forefront of the healthcare industry. The coronavirus epidemic is entering a new stage of global spread and millions of people around...

Best ReactJs Tools you can use

If there is one thing that the developer world hates about JavaScript and painfully, also loves, is the number of frameworks that it is churning out almost on a weekly basis and React being one of the more popular frameworks out there on the market, there is a lot more...

Auditing your marketing strategy

The very common association that we have with marketing audits is one that is largely linked to tax collection and to these very scary persona that these people in suits seem to don, in order to find loopholes in our spending and consumption strategy and this although daunting, has become...

Tips you should follow for hiring the best PHP developer

A PHP developer is perhaps one of the most important decisions that you are going to have to make for your business. This person is going to be the driving force behind your idea and is going to be solely responsible for generating your website to be a fully scalable...

IoT healthcare Market growth statistics 2019- 2025

The global market of IoT (Internet of Things) was valued at USD 190.5billion in 2019 and is expected market size to reach USD 1,102.75billion by 2025 at a CAGR (Compound Average Growth Rate) 20.9% over the coming period 2020-2025. The IoT in the healthcare segment is based on application, solution, connectivity,...

10 crucial tips for working from home effectively

There are many advantages and disadvantages of working from home. There is a lot of information that actively promotes such a culture, but it is important to understand that everything is not rosy or shiny for people who work from home. It requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline (almost jedi-like)...

The long-term impact of online grocery website development during a Pandemic

There is no uncertainty in admitting the fact that this global pandemic, like many others in the past, has had catastrophic effects, effects that we shall be reeling under, for a long time to come. Apart from giving us all the individual time to re-consider our life choices and evaluating...