How to speed up your WordPress website?

As we all know WordPress is a great platform, but it has a weakness too. Sometimes WP site takes too much time to get load.  The unresponsive site can easily lose subscriber and customers If you will take right precaution then you won’t end up with a sluggish site. In...

ChatBots – A smart way to reduce business operating cost by 30%

According to the study, nowadays businesses continue to automate their sales and customer support services in order to reduce costs. For this Chatbots is helping businesses significantly as a cost-reducing program. chatbots are becoming more popular. The main point of implementing a chatbot is replacing the human that was doing the...

5 Effective Ways of Growing Your Business With Instagram

Instagram has slowly taken the world by storm and by recent surveys, it has been shown that the number of active Instagram users have exceeded the population of the United States! It is one thing to be on Instagram and quite another to explore the potential of Instagram and how...

How Data is Changing the Role of Marketers

Can we imagine our world of business without data? Data is driving pretty much all of a business’s functions today and it is at the forefront of every major revolution. This is particularly beneficial for marketers whose major responsibility is to collect and consolidate data. This brings to light important...

8 Things You Can do to be More Secure Online

Cyber threat is becoming a real concern now. In fact, it has been a real concern for a time now and it is the nightmare of many business owners. With more and more data being collected and assimilated online, it is opening up the doors to creating more threats which...

4 Key Differences Between AI-based Marketing and Marketing Automation

Automation is the buzzword today and it could get quite easy to confuse yourself with AI-based marketing and marketing automation, as both, in a broad sense, mean similar things. However, there is a key distinction that separates the two. Automation would mean automating a particular task to act on a...

5 Smart Ways To Do More in Less Time

How many articles would you have read to maximize your efficiency in a day? How many great leaders would you have read about and tried following their habits to live an effective life? As an entrepreneur, these are extremely important lessons you must learn about. Efficiency is everything in the...

5 Ways Your Company can Defuse a Social Media Crisis

A social media crisis in today’s day and age could leave a huge dent in a company’s credibility. In today’s digital world, where everyone’s actions are up for scrutiny, businesses bear the brunt of it as they have an image they have to live up to. Sometimes, a bad tweet...

Building a Static Site with Components such as Nunjucks

Its surprising to see but nevertheless a very important development in web development, to build websites with different components. Well, to understand this, you have to imagine a page and then another page and then yet another page. Building pages one by one can get quite tedious. Building a website...

8 Web Development Trends Coming in 2018

The internet has constantly evolved and it is imperative that we stay in tune with its evolution. It is not to adopt the trends that currently exist but also anticipate future trends and work your business around what is going to be the norm in the coming years. Let us...