Introducing Android- 8.0 Oreo Version

Partnering with Nestle’s “Kit-Kat” for Android version 4.4, Google has now launched its latest version, partnering with Nabisco for using their brand “Oreo”. This could officially be called as the age of the next Android version which is dubbed as “Android Oreo”. It was launched during the official Google launch...

How to reduce small business debts with the help of website optimization?

There are many examples of business owners who have tried their hand at expansion and have suddenly found themselves in a pile of massive debt. If this story sounds similar to you, then it might be a good idea to read on, to discover the ways of bouncing back from...

Why you should use WordPress for designing your website?

Your website is quite literally the face of what you stand for, in the digital space. If it does not look appealing or if it doesn’t have a strong and easy-to-understand interface, you will find yourself at the receiving end of low customer retention. When you’re a small business, it...

What you will prefer for your business? To Buy or Build a mobile app

This is a question a business is often bogged down by- whether to develop a mobile application or to buy an existing mobile app available in the market. However, before one jumps into this decision, it is important to ask yourself 2 very important questions- the first one is evaluating...

How You Can Turn Social Media Leads Into Product Sales?

The most common failure for having difficulties entrepreneurs isn't product, place, price, or productivity. Their businesses generally work -- they just drop down when it comes to promoting. This is something of a missing art and a recently disdained action. People want to deliver out suggestions by e-mail instead of...

How to avoid 8 design fails that can ruin your website?

When it comes to web design, there is not much compromise one can make when we talk of good design. There is a very fine line between good and disastrous design and unfortunately, that line is very thin and often blurred. But fortunately, there are some mistakes which are most...

Significance Of Mobile Marketing – Top Key Factors You Should Consider

Mobile marketing is the "in" thing, and more and more organizations are making use. If your brand isn’t one of them, you need to get on the group soon -- or you'll be left far behind your competitors. Here are seven reasons why marketing managers and CMOs must make mobile...

Blogging Can Be Used To Build Social Media Marketing Strategy

For every company to grow, it is necessary to be recognized. There are various techniques that can be used for getting the necessary recognition. However, the most critical facet here is the effectiveness and outcomes these techniques bring in. It does not matter which type of selling you choose, but...

Best Bug Tracker Tools Can Help Web Developers and Designers

Coding is a highly intricate process of development and with the rise of new technologies, the developer world is being challenged with paying higher emphasis on tracking and analysing code bugs. The process of building a simple website can be quite a challenging process and accommodating all the new technologies...

Build Online Portfolio With WordPress Using This Tutorial

People in the field of creative arts understand the importance of maintaining a portfolio. It is the best representation of your work and the more organized and refined it is, the better impression you will create on your clients or potential employers. In the digital age, there is a possibility...