What difficulties & challenges are experienced in Wearable App Development?

Wearable apps are perhaps the next big thing in technology. The way it has been catching on in the recent past speaks volumes of its potential. Cisco estimates that the number of wearable devices is going to jump to about 177 million by 2018. Although these numbers do not represent...

How a Digital Marketing Organization Can Help You Improve Your Business

Digital marketing or Online marketing is indeed an exciting tool for growing your business. It has proved invaluable for little to medium business organizations regardless of items or solutions that are on offer. You do not really have to worry if you have shunned this web marketing strategy so far....

Top IOT Tools and Platforms for Developers

Internet of Things is surely the next biggest advancement in technology. Its application will require a highly sophisticated infrastructure, one that could potentially take years in the making. Let us discuss some tools that developers could employ for building next-generation IOT applications. #1- Eclipse IOT Eclipse IOT has been designed...

How a website performance can be monitored?

What is website performance monitoring? It is the activity that gathers and analyses data against which the success of a website can be evaluated. This is  important to know the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against which their site is being evaluated.  The two most commonly used are: Website Activity (traffic)Website Feedback...

Happy yesterday, Happier tomorrow: A tribute to 7 years

7 long years! SoftGrid completes 7 years in its making and it could not have been a more exciting journey for all of us here at SoftGrid. We cannot possibly leave out the most important aspect of our journey, and that is: our lovely customers who have made everyday a...

Thank You Softgrid for giving 7 Incredible Years

Wow. Seven years !!!! gone so fast. It's been an incredible ride. Softgrid Computers Pvt. Ltd has been working in the field of website design, web application development & mobile application development since 2010. We are celebrating our 7th anniversary today 15th May 2017. Company like Softgrid with a brilliant team of...

Google can remember things for you

Transactive memory is a concept that has been explored for decades now, starting from the 80’s, focusing on our need to remember things through the process of division of labor. This is particularly true for today’s generation as our life has become a constant juggling game, trying to remember important...

Using Whatsapp as a private store for your documents and notes

Today, we can’t imagine a world without Whatsapp. It has revolutionized the world of instant messaging and the utility of this application far surpasses its rivals in the messaging world. However, there are additional uses of this application that many of us have probably never explored. Whatsapp has always made...

How to refurbish your website photography in 2017

The old saying “pictures speak a thousand words” may never seem redundant, especially in today’s day and age, where visual story-telling is more about taking a person through a journey that helps him respond emotionally to what he is viewing. This becomes all the more important when you are a...

How Augmented and Virtual Realities may change Web Design

Virtual Reality is something that was only exposed to techies or gaming enthusiasts, belonging to the sci-fi realm. It’s every day application no longer remains a dream, especially when you have giants like Face Book and Google investing in this technology. You know that it’s only a matter of time...