Here’s How Telehealth Has Revolutionized Its Acceptance

Sometimes, it takes a major and unexpected event to popularize a lesser-known practice or tradition. Remote diagnostics and telemedicine are not exactly a new phenomenon in the healthcare sector. However, it was practiced only by a minuscule section of users before 2020. Then the catastrophe called COVID-19 pandemic occurred, and...

All you need to know about Ionic Mobile Development

Nowadays, nearly every business has a mobile app, along with a website. Not having a mobile app can prove to be detrimental. It is essential that you pick the right platform for developing such apps. Native app development (for iOS and android) brings advantages like API integration, high performance, support...

Learning the Pros and Cons of Xamarin Development

Nowadays, it is hard for any brand to grow and retain customers without using suitable mobile apps. While websites still draw a significant amount of target buyers, the percentage of people using apps for buying services and products online is only growing with time. Now, the thing is, there are...

Why Startups Should Hire Developers?

Startups show maximum potential in terms of value generation and transforming the dynamics of an existing industry. They often come up with ideas that address the pain points of a particular domain. For instance, a telemedicine startup could aim at bridging the gap between remote patients and specialists. However, with...

Why using PWAs Can be Good for Small Businesses and Startups?

Why using PWAs Can be Good for Small Businesses and Startups? Nowadays, it is quite hard to get things accomplished smoothly and live amidst comfort in using the internet. However, the means of accessing the web and using numerous online services keep changing with time. Nowadays, people rely mostly on...

Digital Technologies: How to Achieve Optimal Patient Outcome?

The healthcare world had to change exponentially in response to the on-going pandemic. Effects of the COVID-19 virus have been traumatizing and unique to deal with. Fighting with an unknown disease, wherein new symptoms were popping up each day, doctors had to go through a lot of discomfort in the...

Engaging in Healthcare an Overwhelming Experience for People with Disabilities

There are certain loopholes when the present care model is carefully looked at, especially when you consider those who have logistical difficulties while working with analog heavy systems. For those, digital health tools can transform the accessibility front. Having stated the issue, understanding of the target audience should be at...

Predictive Analysis: An Understanding of How to Get Clinicians on Board

Healthcare going digital was one of the biggest developments of 2020. Not that technology didn’t find its way in the sector before, but the magnitude suddenly amplified with the pandemic at hand. Even after acknowledging the need of digitization and its role in the medical industry, clinicians are still quite...

Digitalization in the Medical Industry: A Hope for Offering Seamless Patient Experience

The pace at which the healthcare industry is heading towards digitalization and consumerism speaks volume about the way patient experience must be seriously looked into. To signify considerable growth, it is important to ensure seamless experience for patients across in-person, telephonic, and online consultations. Financial and commercial sectors have worked...

Advanced EHR Function: Are Critical Access Hospitals Lagging Behind?

A recently published study brought to light the real nature of EHR implementation in critical access hospitals. Irrespective of the omnipresent nature of this technology in the present day medical industry, it is not being utilized to the fullest by CAHs. It is stated that EHR adoption has become universal...